Tuesday 20 August 2013

Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada...


Last Sunday pergi open house kawan Sang Cerdik.  Schoolmate cum his ps3 online buddy. Dia pakat nak pergi open house kawannya dari bulan posa lagi.  Kami memang tau kawan Sang Cerdik ni filthy rich.

So kami pun pergi la... sampai je rumahnya, mak aii, our jaw dropped to the floor.  Kata Sang Lembut rumah depa 10 kali rumah kami... hahahaha...

Nak masuk rasa segan sangat, rasa diri ni kecik sangat.  Maklumle tak biasa bergaul dgn org-org kaya ni.  Nak jejak kaki masuk ke rumah pun rasa cam takut je.  Sang Cerdik dah lari dgn kawannya, pergi gameroom and poolroom dia.  Roohi, Sang Lembut and myself helped ourselves with the food.  Food was nothing to shout about, foodnya so-so je.  Ada group main music and singing raya songs, and that was quite entertaining.

I was quite amazed to see the lifestyle or rather the big modern house of a rich malay couple.  I mean, selalunya kita nampak yg kaya raya ni bangsa cina. Or maybe because I dont have many (in fact none!) rich friends.  The mom was quite humble, she was nice to us and warm.  The father I thought was quite ok but Roohii thought he wasnt that warm.

We then found out that the father is a Datuk Seri. In my heart, 'oooooo no wonder'...

After we made a move from there, on the way back home, in the car, I started googling the mom and dad.  She was a successful businesswomen with a few chains of slimming centres.  No wonder she is so slim.  The father is a VIP, owning a company selling luxury cars. No wonder he has about 10 luxury cars at his house! But I also found out that the father just got married to a well known lady with the blessing of the first wife. Before I found out that, deep down inside, I was feeling rather little after seeing such a very wealthy family.  But once I found out that the father has a second wife, all that small little feeling just dissappeared.  Yes she is filthy rich but she has to share his husband with another women!

With that fact, it hit me to be grateful with what I have now and that my husband is loyal to me.  We are more than sufficient with the income we get now.  We have a good home and a good car. My kids are in private school and I get to eat at good restaurant every month.  I get to have a few designer bags and a few nice jewelery. 

Astaghfirullah... i should be grateful not envious with that couple...

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